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Service Updates

November 2024 price changes

Another year has quickly flown by, with continued inflation, raising the prices of our underlying costs from all our suppliers and vendors. While our policy continues to be keeping our plan pricing as low as possible, the nature of rising costs which we’ve all experienced means we need to realistically raise our pricing to account for the increases in costs… Read More »November 2024 price changes

Our Wellington PoP is here!

Thanks to our continued growth in the Wellington region and lower North Island, we’ve been hard at work setting up Wellington as a new full point of presence for the Quic network. While we provide service nationally across the country, a full point of presence in a new location is a significant step, and offers numerous benefits to users connecting… Read More »Our Wellington PoP is here!

Quic’s Discord community is open!

Since Quic’s inception, we’ve been humbled by the support and community built around Quic, so we’ve decided to open our community up to an even larger audience of tech-centric users! For all Quic customers, we now have a Discord available to communicate as a community – discussing everything from your latest tech projects, through to troubleshooting, tips, service updates and… Read More »Quic’s Discord community is open!

DHCP/IPoE Authentication is here!

It’s finally here! 🎉 In what has without a doubt been the most highly requested feature since our inception, DHCP authentication is now available! This has been a significant undertaking and has resulted in a complete overhaul of our circuit authentication systems. The eagle eyed of you may have already picked up changes in how your service looks in your… Read More »DHCP/IPoE Authentication is here!

Our new network is here!

Quic’s new network is finally here! After months of planning, an unsuccessful initial migration attempt, a rollout rethink and a subsequent two maintenance windows completed, Quic has officially moved all connections onto its highly anticipated new network! With Quic Broadband only making a bang in the market in 2023, we experienced what can only be described as explosive growth in… Read More »Our new network is here!

Online EFTPOS now available!

We’re pleased to announce that in addition to credit card payments (Visa, Mastercard & American Express), we now welcome payments via Online EFTPOS! Online EFTPOS gives you a safe and easy method to complete a bank transfer payment for your Quic Broadband service, simply by entering your mobile number at checkout and approving the payment through your internet banking app.… Read More »Online EFTPOS now available!

October 2023 price increases

The announcement no-one wants to hear – so let’s keep this short and sweet (well, as “sweet” as a price increase can be…) While we maintain a policy of keeping our prices as low as possible in our self-service model, unfortunately due to rising direct costs from LFCs (local fibre companies), we must increase our pricing accordingly. Effective from 1st… Read More »October 2023 price increases

Quic Status Page

In a series of improvements from customer feedback, we’ve now improved our network status page and incident reporting, to keep you informed of when things aren’t working as they should be. As much as we strive, plan, and work hard to ensure a reliable service all the time, the reality is that no-one can claim 100% uptime, and 💩 does… Read More »Quic Status Page

Static IPv6 subnets are here!

In perhaps one of our most requested features, we’re pleased to announce we have launched Static IPv6 subnets, and static IPv6 is now available here at Quic Broadband! This new service is linked to our existing static IPv4 addon, meaning that any time a static IPv4 address is added to a service, either by our monthly or one-off addons, you’ll… Read More »Static IPv6 subnets are here!