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Quic Broadband

Hamilton event recap

Thank you to everyone who made it out to our Hamilton event! From putting faces to names and meeting face to face, to touring one of New Zealand’s premium Tier-3 production datacentre facilities and learning about innovative ways to decrease environmental impacts of datacentres, to food & beers, we can all agree it was a fantastic day! We were absolutely… Read More »Hamilton event recap

Our Playstation 5 winner is…

If you didn’t already know, last month we ran a competition for all new and existing Quic customers, giving anyone who was an active Quic customer on 31st March the chance to win a Playstation 5 (Slim) Disc Console! No forms to fill, no exclusivity to new customers, no nonsense – we just love having you as part of our… Read More »Our Playstation 5 winner is…

Be in to win a Playstation 5!

A lot has happened over the last few months, from network upgrades, to supporting DHCP & IPoE and much, more. In short, there’s been a lot of changes and we’ve been super busy improving across our whole service experience! We’re so appreciative of our loyal customers who have been alongside us on our journey, giving insights and information to help… Read More »Be in to win a Playstation 5!

Congrats to our Yubikey winners!

The winners of our Yubikey competition have been drawn! Since announcing two-factor authentication and our Yubikey competition, we’ve seen a huge uptake of customers securing their accounts with a second factor authentication method, which is fantastic to see! The winners are… 🥁 Congrats again, and keep an eye on your mailbox for your new Yubikey arriving soon! 😁

Invite – Quic & Geekzone Hamilton event

Our team, and the team over at Geekzone would love to share some time with you and thank you for you support over the last year. We’ll be holding an event at a production datacentre in Hamilton on Saturday 6th April at 12pm (midday). This unique event, blending technology with social interaction, promises an insider’s look at a functioning data… Read More »Invite – Quic & Geekzone Hamilton event

DHCP/IPoE Authentication is here!

It’s finally here! 🎉 In what has without a doubt been the most highly requested feature since our inception, DHCP authentication is now available! This has been a significant undertaking and has resulted in a complete overhaul of our circuit authentication systems. The eagle eyed of you may have already picked up changes in how your service looks in your… Read More »DHCP/IPoE Authentication is here!

Our new network is here!

Quic’s new network is finally here! After months of planning, an unsuccessful initial migration attempt, a rollout rethink and a subsequent two maintenance windows completed, Quic has officially moved all connections onto its highly anticipated new network! With Quic Broadband only making a bang in the market in 2023, we experienced what can only be described as explosive growth in… Read More »Our new network is here!

Two-Factor Authentication is here – be in to win!

Two-Factor Authenticartion is now live within your Quic account portal to offer enhanced security for your account and services! To setup Two-Factor Authentication, simply login to your account, click your name in the top-right and select “Two-Factor Authentication” Once in the Two-Factor Authentication page, you can then proceed to enable via three different methods, being: With multiple options available, including… Read More »Two-Factor Authentication is here – be in to win!

Online EFTPOS now available!

We’re pleased to announce that in addition to credit card payments (Visa, Mastercard & American Express), we now welcome payments via Online EFTPOS! Online EFTPOS gives you a safe and easy method to complete a bank transfer payment for your Quic Broadband service, simply by entering your mobile number at checkout and approving the payment through your internet banking app.… Read More »Online EFTPOS now available!